2 Priceless Skills You Wish You Learned In School But Never Did
On this transmission I cover the 2 skills I never learned in any personal development course that — no word of a lie- has cost me dearly — in my divorce back in 2012, legal fees, lost business, not to mention the mental anguish and sleepless nights, and worrying about what others think of me, along with an inability to set boundaries.
Now in helping people sort out the exact same challenges in our Cyclebreakers Communities, I’ve seen the impact of people not knowing these 2 skills has been dire:
— Infidelity
— Co-dependency
— Inability to set and maintain boundaries
— health problems
— Anxiety
— Digestive issues
— Auto-immune/ Thyroid issues
Can you guess what those 2 skills are?
I cover them in this transmission.
P.S. Are you ready to work together? I’d love to see if we are the right fit. Apply HERE.