Are You Up For Some Racy Conversation?
Check out the fb live I’m doing in the new pop up Facebook group.
This question really hit me hard.
I could feel the resignation when it comes to sex here.
Can you feel it?
“Are some men just not wired for monogamy? I have been married to a man that was outwardly monogamous but had compulsively viewed porn for most of our 13-year marriage without me knowing. Now I am dating again and most men my age are opening up to the possibility of being polyamorous because monogamy just didn’t work for them. Is this a personal nature thing, a sexual entitlement thing from the toxic culture we live in, or was man just not built to commit to one woman for life? I feel like monogamy is easy and natural for me. One sexual partner is enough. I am completely satisfied. I love sex and want to explore and develop a deep sexual relationship but with one person only. Do men need sexual novelty or is that something the porn culture has conditioned men to want, expect and feel entitled to?”
I’ll be answering in the new pop up group.
Tell me you want to be a part of this conversation in this new group in the comments (without telling me you want in the conversation)
If you can’t come no worries there’s a replay.
Click HERE to join the group.