Dissolving Labels
2 years ago, I was in the back of my car waiting for our Airbnb to be cleaned and was inspired to make a list of how some of the women we have been working with unconsciously sabotage relationships.
Even though the production value of the transmission was poor, the feedback on that facebook post was off the chain and resulted in the most transformation and inspiration for people in this community to step up and begin the process to heal.
(Click HERE to read the story and watch that transmission.)
Even though the Depp/Heard trial is resulting in people throwing the word “toxic” around like it’s going out of style, in this video I attempt to help the people in this community change the labels and look carefully at the unconscious behavior that contributes to shitty relationships.
Welcome if you’re new.
Let me know what comes up for you
If this resonates — This weekend I show this community exactly how to undo these deeply conditioned patterns. Click HERE to register and be a part of the community.