Does This Sound Anything Like You?
In the questions and DM’s I get, the most common ones I see from people in relationships who are GENUINE about finding solutions (not blame) sound like this:
“We are stuck having the same arguments and despite resolving, it, nothing changes.”
“I feel like I’m taking to my father/mother”
“Is this relationship even salvageable? Or should I just move on?”
“We are just not on the same wavelength. How can I get through to them?”
From the Single folks, it sounds more like this:
“Am I too broken to have a healthy relationship? I don’t want to bring my unhealed wounds to the next person.”
“I’m so scared to get hurt again/ hurt someone like that again. If feels safer to be single.”
“After what I’ve gone through, when is it safe to get back into dating? I’m so afraid of losing myself again. I can’t seem to maintain myself while being in a relationship. Help!”
And most commonly:
“I’ve been a pleaser all my life and don’t know who I am anymore.”
Relationships are hard. Things can get dicey, and I’ve been through the ringer, so I know and can empathize. I’ve had the very same questions that have had me stuck as well.
Ironically, all of those questions come from having the same obstacle.
Welcome to this community if you’re new.
What we are about is not so much finding a solution to these problems, but access to teaching a process where you can find the answers within yourself.
This is more important now than EVER in a world where collectively we are walking around feeling threatened by everyone and everything.
How can we create safety in relationships when we don’t have that safety within ourselves?
I discovered the answer, and it didn’t involve years of counseling or therapy.
I had to make 5 transitions.
They weren’t easy.
They involved work.
A willingness to face discomfort.
When I made the transitions, I was able to find my inner voice and stop pretending to be someone so that I could be worthy of love.
A deep and profound love for myself emerged.
I met someone who I found on the exact same level, and we continue to grow every day though each trigger, and stronger through each conflict.
And now we have a bouncing baby boy.
One of my clients, who’s a mother who happens to be an MD, and Surgeon said after 2 weeks of making the transitions:
“This program should be a requirement for anyone who wants to have children.”
It’s because these transitions impact every area of life.
Without making them, we are forever posting in facebook groups looking for outside advice from strangers who have no business giving relationship advice, endlessly talking to therapists doing talk therapy and not going deeper to the root cause.
When you finally stop talking and telling your story to be validated, and you make the transitions, you find validation within yourself.
I hosted a FREE on demand masterclass for you if you relate to anything you just read.
I’m not saying I found the solution.
It’s the process I’ve discovered, and I’m going to be pulling back the curtain and sharing it tomorrow with case studies of others who made the same transitions.
It turns out if I could do it, anyone who’s committed can do it to.
Without secure relationships, all the money in the world doesn’t matter.
I discovered that richness in life comes through intimacy in our connections and bonds with one another, and that can only come through a felt sense connection within ourselves.
Click HERE to get access if ANY of the above sounds like you — and you want to learn how.