I Don’t Love My Self
“I can’t stand to be in my own skin”
“I don’t love myself”
“I hate that younger part of me”
We hear this constantly with the people who reach out for help in healing their relationships and health.
Think about it — when you don’t love yourself,
How do you show up in your relationships?
Who do you attract in your life?
What kind of behavior will you tolerate?
How do you treat yourself?
Do you remember what it was like to be raised by a parent who didn’t love themselves?
Exploring these questions are critical for us if we ever have a desire to transform and break the cycle.
It’s not a mystery, either.
There are a handful of reasons why you don’t love yourself, and luckily you can do something about it.
When you do — it’s amazing what happens.
Health transforms.
Your relationships change.
Confidence emerges.
And those pesky Chronic conditions resolve so they don’t have to speak for you anymore (because now that you love yourself you can actually speak up for yourself and say no).
When Laura learned how to do this, her anxiety went down, her relationships with her family healed, her divorce is FINALLY getting finalized by being “stopped” for the past few years due to drama
Her skin has cleared and she’s not self-harming any more.
Best part: Her kids are healthier.
Oh and she’s now gone from Co-Dependent to the dude she’s dating wanting a commitment.
A real secure attachment.
All of this was accomplished during Covid.
When you do this — you can IMPROVE during a global crisis rather than falling apart.
Watch my transmission below and I’ll show you why you don’t love yourself — — and what needs to be done.
What questions do you have about it?
Warning — it’s not as simple as watching YouTube videos or listening to podcasts or talk therapy.
Self love will mean actually doing things that validate your worth and deserving.