“Just Coping” Vs Actual Healing

Dr. Nima Rahmany
3 min readApr 2, 2023


In the world of creating secure bonds and healing from relationship attachments….
How can you make sure you’re actually HEALING instead of “just coping?”

Almost 90–95% of the students that reach out to get clarity on their healing path
to creating secure relationships, in healing from chronic pain and illness
all have been doing various modalities of personal growth…

Which is fantastic.

I get criticized a lot for saying this:

Most of the talk therapies people are doing week after week
venting their stories
re-hashing past events without an actual energetic, body-based RESOLUTION…

it’s just “coping” — not ACTUAL healing.

I prided myself on teaching a methodology that helped eliminate “unwanted emotional states”….

only to realize that I was only helping people “cope” instead of actually heal.

It wasn’t until 4 years ago I was gifted with the experience of being stuck in a Trauma Bond… unable to break free — “Should I stay or go” was the prevalent feeling I couldn’t “think” my way out of…

Having a Nervous System in Deep freeze —

I realized there was a missing piece:

The somatic, body-based access to the stored trauma stuck deep within my Nervous System.

On this video, taken from our most recent live virtual “Overview Experience” event,
I explain the origin of THE Methodology that helped me do what most “experts” would consider impossible:

To break free from a Toxic Trauma bond where we were both abusive to one another — yet completely unable to break free from…

even though we both were highly intelligent individuals.

This method has been the result of years of personal study, a lot of sweat, and tears.

It’s something very powerful I feel called to share — as it combines a “Top Down” (cognitive based)
and a “Bottom up” Somatic based approach to getting to the root cause…

so that when you master it…
Over time… relationship become authentic…

You can speak your truth…
You aren’t so concerned with what others think of you…
because you feel complete within yourself.

I made a startling discovery on my healing journey:

You can’t solve with THINKING METHODS what’s a FEELING ISSUE. You can’t THINK your way out of a FEELING problem.

Without getting this right — all the time and resources we invest in solving our attachment issues aren’t being used effectively.

When we finally get this part right — we connect to the core of the issue:


Only when our Adult selves resolve with the child parts of ourselves can we truly HEAL.

Otherwise, it’s just coping with mind-candy…
and missing out on the REAL substance.

In this video I share the distinction between the two and how it all came to pass.

When you’re finally ready to feel the difference — On Saturday April29th (Sunday in morning Oz) I get to give our cyclebreakers community another opportunity to master this artful skill of “healing instead of coping”.

If you feel called to learn how to become your own medicine, get out of your head and into your body…
to put all the mental masturbation aside and experience what REAL healing feels like — through resistance…

follow the link and see you there…

Your guide on the side,



Dr. Nima Rahmany
Dr. Nima Rahmany

Written by Dr. Nima Rahmany

Dr. Nima Rahmany is a retired Chiropractor and interpersonal trauma specialist studying and teaching principles of healing mind and body.

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