Missing Piece Of My Life
This Was First Posted Feb 19th 2019, 6 months before I met my wife.
I was deep into working through my shadows, regulating my nervous system and leaning into making a profound change in the way I reacted with my attachment distress responses (aka Triggers).
I figured out the missing piece of my life:
I knew that if I put all else aside and make the healing of those response my #1 priority — that I’d be able to manifest the relationship of my dreams.
Not gonna lie.
It was hard AF.
But when I look at my life now, with a relationship that matches this meme to the “t” with a beautiful son who makes me laugh every day, and now a community of Facilitators who are hungry to learn how to break their own cycles and help others do the same….
I had to let go of that old identity of who I was.
I was scared the whole time.
And it was all worth every difficult moment.
I started my Trigger Proof Facebook group in Feb 2020 as the pandemic hit to support the community to help heal at a time when the world was falling apart.
Now I’m not saying the world has gotten any better than that day.
Quite the opposite… it’s far worse…
But mad props to those of us who go beyond “one day I’ll get around to it” to realizing the fierce urgency of NOW to break the cycle that didn’t begin with us.
Those who waited for the world to calm down missed the opportunity to EXPAND THEMSELVES in the crisis, improve relationships and felt-sense of safety with the unknown and create themselves with a new identity.
What identity have you been holding onto in your relationships that matter to you?
What are your usual reactivity patterns?
Are you aware where they come from?
Whether you’re wanting to wake up from the collective shutdown/dissociation everyone is feeling, or you’re wanting to create an inspiring spark in your work and purpose, you deserve love that feels mutual and secure and safe (without getting bored AF in it).
Learning tools to dissolve my trauma bonds — although difficult, was my secret weapon.
That’s why I’ve been inspired to share this with the people in the community and to make it an affordable No-Brainer for anyone who is truly committed.
So by popular demand, I will help you dissolve trauma bonds you feel stuck and hopeless in to create the path to have love that feels nourishing.