My One Sided Fantasy
All my life I had been chasing after “happiness”
and “success” and thinking that achieving things
were the ticket to fulfillment.
It wasn’t until a mentor of mine taught me about
universal laws where I started developing
the skill of emotional resilience.
We constantly seek external one-sidedness:
A relationship that isn’t challenging.
A career that is glorious.
Health that is vibrant.
And what I discovered was that my seeking of
a one-sided magnet was the cause of my suffering
as I would crash when my expectations weren’t met.
Somewhere along the lines, we wake up to that.
The elderly seem to get it.
Wisdom is the instant recognition of both sides.
And my ability to sit in the discomfort and awareness
and taking a breath…
And appreciating them both
for both are needed to grow
and embracing both in your life
Where have you been looking for one side only?
Want to learn more?
Watch the video at top.