“I SHOULD have finished at 90 mins instead of 3 hrs 37 minutes.”
My apologies to those of you who were on longer than you wanted to be.
This topic is HUGE.
Resentment pretty much runs most peoples lives, crushing our enjoyment and ability to be present.
This work is liberating — if you’re willing to lean into the discomfort of truly SEEING yourself.
Based on your feedback — next week I’m going to dial the content down a bit.
This is my first time teaching this stuff to the public in a format I usually teach with coaches and 1–1 guidance.
It’s so completely different and counter-intuitive to those who have only done traditional therapy that it can feel difficult to grasp.
“They will all get it and love it and want more”
that was my fantasy I’m working through right now
Please share your experience and your feedback will (as always) help me refine the content to help make it more digestible.
I do encourage you to watch it and go through the experience again (twice) and let me know if anything clicks or lands for you — using a different subject or resentment.
The idea behind it is that this is a tool to help you take the trigger that’s pissing you off and creating resentment and helping you learn how to dismantle the resentment and regulate your own system without having to make others change for you.
Mastering this process helps you gain power where you've been giving it away — and freedom to ask for what you want in a way that honor's both you and the other person and increases your probability of getting what you want and creating the life you desire.
When you look at your original “should” statements….
What do you see now?
What did you discover with this exercise?
What would happen to your experience of life if you REALLY commit to mastering this tool?