Rewiring Your Patterns Does This
What would you do if your partner who you loved
didn’t want to have sxx with you?
Option #1:
Feel hurt, rejected, pine after them, beg, plead
Option #2:
Do option #1 then decide to leave and move on.
Joe decided to do option #1 — which was to do option 1 in hopes
that one day she will just “come around”.
8 years of talk therapy. 8 YEARS…. left her finally getting to the point
where she asked him to move out.
That’s when he decided to reach out and attend the Overview Experience.
Right away his feedback was clear:
“This is different”.
Rewiring and de-conditioning self abandonment from childhood
at a Nervous System level.
He had never heard of the concept of Becoming Trigger-Proof,
and restoring Polarity.
Being Trigger-Proof does NOT mean being Trigger-LESS.
I teach this stuff — and I STILL get activated (triggered)
Whether it’s my wife, my son, or my clients trying to work through resistance, My nervous system perceives threat and lack of safety around every corner.
The skill however — is WHAT TO DO WHEN THAT HAPPENS.
That’s not an easy dance, because what’s happening is not on a conscious level.
Our reactivity isn’t a choice. It’s a reaction.
Whether you are a fighter, a “flighter”(runner),
a “freezer” (hider), or a “fawner” (fixer),
your REACTIONS to perceived threat can make or break your entire universe.
If you don’t rewire these reactive patterns that kept you safe in childhood,
you’ll end up having the same arguments over and over again with no resolution
you’ll keep attracting the same type of partner (if you’re single)
you’ll stay stuck in a level of business and finances and completely PLATEAU you’ll live like you don’t deserve more…
and worst of all —
you’ll pass down that conditioning to your children…
the same way it was passed down to you.
It’s THAT important.
When you DO make the shift,
you gather courage, clarity and confidence,
you begin to live a life of DESIGN instead of duty,
you break free from your Trauma conditioning,
Codependency turns to healthy interdependency,
and you stop having to get your story validated at a therapists office,
because you no longer are living that story anymore.
You’re worth it.
You were BORN worthy.
You’ve just been CONDITIONED into thinking you’re not.
And the good news is,
if you’re willing to turn “therapy” into “training”
and rewire that conditioning into safe and secure relating,
your outer world will shift to match what’s happening on the inside,
just like it has for Joe.
Joe’s relationship is 180 degrees different than it was before.
They’re back together — and are able to work through conflict
and turn it into deeper intimacy.
Their “dry spell” is OVER.
He enthusiastically shares the journey in this interview
at my “Rewire: Love/Sxx/Money” event last year.
He didn’t think it was possible.
He thought he was too old to change.
He began the process at 62.
If HE can do it,
if THEY can do it….
After an 8 year climb, and 1.5 years of celibacy after an affair,
and turn it around….
what can YOU do?
Your wingman on the adventure,
P.S. If you want to experience the difference between
staying in story and actually SHIFTING the story
of resentment, blame, victimhood, betrayal, rejection,
and abandonment — and learn how to turn it into deep
loving compassion…
The Overview Experience is a 6 hour zoom event where
I take my community (and 10 guests who want to upgrade
their reality and heal from “Should I stay or go” dynamics)
and show them exactly HOW to become Trigger-Proof.
It’s for those who want to master:
An embodied practice of self-trust.
An elevation of self worth.
A dissolving of resentment and finding power where we gave it away.