Self Harm
(Posted with Permission)
We all have some form of distraction we like to use against the anxiety we feel sometimes.
Often we turn to self-harming habits that reflect deep inside how we truly feel about ourselves.
When these show up, it’s incredibly painful, because it forms a feedback loop that causes us to feel so shitty about ourselves, that… well, we just keep going back to harming ourselves to cope with the feelings.
“Why don’t I just stop?”
You might think.
Easier said than done.
When Laura first reached out as covid hit and things in her personal and professional life started unravelling, she never mentioned anything about her self-harming habits.
All we did was begin with her the same we do with everyone we work with…
We got down to the business of teaching her how to regulate her nervous system, to reconnect with the little girl inside who had generations of trauma from grandparents in the concentration camps to sexual and physical trauma, and working through what hadn’t been dealt with in her life adequately by traditional therapies and methodologies.
What she never addressed before.
After she had been following my content for years, she finally reached out to me saying “why do I constantly feel like a victim?”
This question, in and of itself, is a breakthrough.
When it feels like the whole world is against us — Mom, dad, the ex, kids, clients, when we find ourselves feeling like victims of circumstance, it’s extremely difficult to see it when we are possessed by it.
“Waking up” doesn’t mean it’s our fault and to “blame the victim”.
It means understanding that we never had true choice and agency in the first place.
Through the work, Laura was awakened to the unconscious choices that led to choosing the people she chose, and saw the perfection of everything she experience, and made sense of her entire life experience and path to her becoming who she became.
She was there to break free from the cage she had no idea she was even in.
On our first call, she put in her mission statement something about her skin healing, because that was always a thing for her.
She set that intention after she attended her first Overview Experience in March of this year.
Then a funny thing happened.
We never really thought about it or mentioned it again.
Then she started getting something she had never received in her entire life:
She just posted this lovely share in our mastermind group and I asked her if it would be ok for me to make it public.
Please note: I’m not advertising a skincare regimen here.
I’m saying you have inside the power to heal what others have told you is not manageable.
You must be willing to go DEEPER THAN THE SURFACE in order to heal it.
There are younger parts of ourselves we have abandoned in service of approval and attachment.
Our addictions and compulsions are distractions from the pain of those lost and forgotten parts of ourselves waiting to be rescued.
If we can stop looking for answers outside and start learning the tools to reconnect within, then the way we look at ourselves changes, then so do our relationships, and then an beautiful purpose emerges, and we wake up one day and see that healing takes place in the body as a natural side effect of letting go of the victim stories of our lives.
I’m grateful to be leading a global community of self healers.
Than we dive into the principles by which Laura has been using to get the results she’s getting in her health and life.
A Breathwork Session and inner child meditation led by yours truly.
If you’re feeling stuck in any area (ANY area especially relationships ) and you’ve lost that spark or mojo, feeling anxious and no matter what you’ve tried you are having a hard time accessing that feeling of safety in your body,
It all begins with changing the relationship with yourself, your younger parts you’ve abandoned, your breath, and the inner dialogue.
4 hours to give you a sacred pause and go inwards to the answer.
Click HERE to register.