Self Love Through Co-Dependency (Meet Bethanne)
Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix for Co-Dependency.
Everyone wants a sense of freedom in their relationships…
Freedom to have themselves, and to have another.
Freedom to rest in safety without worrying the other person will leave.
Freedom to feel safe and respected in taking some space
without having your significant other freak out on you every time you want a night to yourself.
Without this level of freedom, relationships don’t feel right,
and we become imprisoned to them like slaves,
and then life starts looking pretty grim.
If left unresolved and unaddressed, health problems and anxiety disorders start to creep in.
Bethanne and her partner had 2 kids and were stuck in a co-dependent cycle, and watching my content she realized this went WAAAAAAY further back
than her and her partner she just separated from.
“Enmeshment” comes from an energetic unresolved trauma bond with our parents,
where we are still playing out these conflicts in an attempt to create a resolution in them.
And unless we have the courage to look under the hood,
it plays out unconsciously and we pass it along to our children, even with the greatest of intentions.
It comes out in the way we talk to ourselves.
It seeps into the conversations we have with others.
However long this Intergenerational Train has been chugging along, the impact is still the same:
“I don’t deserve love the way I am”
“I am not worthy of receiving”
“I have to work hard and people please or else no one will love me”
Bethanne was determined to break the cycle and figure out who the hell she really is.
Long story short she did.
She broke free from her Trauma Bond… shifted the relationship with her former partner, was able to move on and learn a different way of relating and dating….
and get this….
She even found the courage to go after her dream of starting her own biz.
She shares her journey towards freedom in this video here. She’s got quite the personality… A real sassy one…
If you are ready to finally break free from your trauma bonds,
experience what true freedom feels like in relationships,
beginning with the relationship with yourself,
where you can finally look in a mirror, say “I love you” and ACTUALLY MEAN IT…
I am curious what would be possible for you.
There’s an opportunity for you this week to hop on an “Intimacy Audit” Call with one of my team,
who, after reading your application,
can find out exactly where you’d love to be in the next few months,
compared to where you are now (you gotta be real with this part),
and on the call, we will figure out EXACTLY what is in the way.
This call is for those who, like Bethanne, are willing to take responsibility (not blame)
and end the victim blame game,
to find out what true Self Love and freedom feels like.
If you watched this video, you could relate, and you want to see what’s possible for you, then follow the link and fill out the questions,
and we’ll see you on the other side….
Your guide,