Sending Acknowledgment To You On Mother’s Day
(This was originally posted in May 9th, 2021.)
I know Mother’s Day may bring up a lot of emotions for you.
Whether your relationship with your mother is deeply strong and connected, or you haven’t spoken to each other in a while, or your mother has passed, or you’re a mother who’s lost connection with your child, had an abortion, or you’ve been adopted….
I wanted to acknowledge how normal it would be for you to have a mish-mash of confusion on this day.
The fact is, deep down in parts we may not like to admit are there, there is a deeply biological NEED we have to bond with our mothers.
It’s in our biology.
Somatically, It feels un-natural to the Nervous System to be disconnected from mom.
Actually painful.
So to cope, we bottle up those emotions and pretend they’re not there, or dissociate from them entirely.
In my journey of studying healing and mind-body transformation, I’ve discovered that repressed emotions from the fracture of this bond is the root cause of MOST of human suffering.
(Read that again).
So I’m here to let you know it’s ok to feel it all.
(Your health and quality of life actually depend on it.)
Sending all of those who are grieving and nursing the pain from that fracture some deep love right now.
Especially those who have lost their mothers.
This must be a tough day for you, as I’m sure there is lots of reflecting.
I got into an argument with my mother last weekend and have been carrying the resentment with me all week, feeling all the feelings of a little boy who didn’t have his reality validated (again and again) wishing I had a different mother who was more understanding and less childish.
I felt the resistance of seeing her today as a deep old wound I “thought I had healed” popped up and I’ve been taking space and time to properly acknowledge…. not rushing myself to “get over it” like I might normally do.
In my walk with the dogs before they arrived today synchronistically I got 2 messages on Voxer from clients who had horrendous trauma with their mothers, all thanking me for the help in guiding them to find love and gratitude for their mothers and how their relationships have completely transformed with mine and my teams’ guidance.
My eyes welled up to burst into a cascade of tears as I listened to each one telling me thank you, thinking of others who’s relationships have also changed — realizing that their lives and the lives of my community in general have been impacted so beautifully by the challenges I had to navigate being raised by parents who meant well, but just had zero capacity to love without it being conditional.
It’s wasn’t about me.
It never was about you, either.
As all of this insight downloaded into my body as the tears kept falling, I then thought of those of you who are missing a mom who might have passed, and how much you would likely give to spend more time with a “non-understanding” and “childish” mom right now and you’d probably take her “as is”.
I could then reflect on how, instead of hoping for the day she’ll one day “understand me,” I’m better off exerting my energy towards bringing more understanding to HER.
Sending lots of love to you on this day.
For WHATEVER emotions exist for you.
By all means, give yourself permission to feel them.
In our upcoming Breathwork and Badassery we will be focusing on going deeper with the healing of the mother bond….
Together as a community.
How powerful would that be for you to heal?
What impact would that make?
I see you, #cyclebreakers