Take A Look At This Graphic
There’s a lot of stuff out there on social media about Co-Dependency.
Can you relate to any of these “signs and symptoms?”
How would you feel if I told you these signs and symptoms on the graphic that you feel resonate with you — are the EXACT same things a Narcissist feels as well?
This graphic helps us see the false dichotomy most people stuck in Co-Dependency live with:
The inability to see that their counterpart they have labelled a “Narc” actually feels the exact same way.
Experts say healing from Co-Dependency is impossible.
That’s because most live with this false dichotomy.
When we do, we assign “us vs them” and create a monster out of the counterpart.
Healing involves being able to empathize with ourselves first, and then finding ourselves in the other person.
When we do, we stop acting so powerless and see that we are indeed powerful.
Healing involves shedding our labels and diagnoses and learning human skills of resilience, adaptability, and taking responsibility.
For the Cyclebreakers in our community, this weeks training (week 3) will take us down the rabbit hole and experience our RESENTMENTS from an entirely different perspective.
One of the hallmark of co-dependency is this constant experience of feeling resentful for the endless “giving giving giving” we feel we are doing.
You’re about to have this entire story flipped right on it’s head.
You will no longer look at your relationships and resentments ever the same again.