The Answer To An Epidemic Of “Frozen Feeling”
Let’s face it.
If you’ve been looking at what’s been going on in the outside world, you won’t have to look far to see how much suffering is happening in the world right now.
You likely feel used, manipulated, and lied to and feel like you can’t trust most people, or the news you consume.
It’s all impacting our nervous systems.
The more we are stuck in “freeze,” the easier we become to manipulate.
Our minds are being hijacked, and we all know it.
Just like any toxic relationship.
And when we are stuck in a situation where we feel like we can’t go any which way without a painful consequence,
It feels safer just to “Freeze”.
As I look into the eyes of people all over the world, I see what I can best describe it as a “Zombie Apocalypse.”
The worst part of what is happening to our species over the last couple years is how deeply disconnected we have become from ourselves.
Disconnected from safety.
Disconnected from self trust.
Disconnected from play.
Disconnected from each other.
Disconnected from love itself.
And it’s all showing up in the “frozen” state that can be palpably “felt” by those who are unplugged from the matrix as we look around
It’s time to change this twisted dance and bring it back to love.
This must happen at both an individual level and in the collective.
If you’ve been feeling all the feels, or avoiding all the feels and numbing, consider this your opportunity to reconnect:
To your body.
To your breath.
To your emotions you’ve been bottling up into a toxic mess that’s been impacting your health and sense of inner calm.
Saturday April 26th 2022 our community hosting another Breathwork and Badassery.
After doing them monthly for the last couple years, the best way I can describe it is that it’s a Spiritual Experience (without denomination or exclusion of any human).
At these events, we get to (both as individuals and as a collective) bump up against our “edges” and dance right along the tightrope of the line between comfort and discomfort, of pain and pleasure, of grief and relief, fear, and love.
It’s pretty neat and I get butterflies every time I’m about to guide.
As a community, we get to stop distracting and create a sense of awareness of our bodies, our breath, and connect to the divine comedy and mysterious reality that we even exist — on a rock spinning, rotating, and hurdling through space at astronomical speeds for a hot minute between birth and death.
Yup it’s true. We forget this is all temporary and it’s really all about Love.
We forget because we are frozen from pain, suspended in the unknown, conditioned to be afraid of one another and consume more pharmaceuticals, more weapons of conflict, and more stories to scare us further in a never ending cycle.
When we get together and remember this, we BREAK the cycle.
Then, everything in our world changes.
We awaken from our weary, exhausted, yet highly neurotic way of being — and begin to feel a sense of calm and safety.
We awaken to the fact that we’ve been spinning all these plates (overwhelm, over-exert, over-extend, and under-self-nourish) to feel lovable, worthy, and deserving of love and we are able to let those compensatory behaviors go.
Energy levels shift immediately.
If any of this resonates with you — then I hope this note helps you to take a pause and look around and remind yourself that although your life may not feel perfect, you’ve still got shitloads to be grateful for, and it’s ok to forget.
There’s an invitation for you to join in this conversation and practice with 100 other folks who have decided to make this awareness a priority this weekend.
Now more than ever.
Our Cyclebreakers Collective (and Portal) will be doing one of our Main events — Breathwork and Badassery this Saturday .
The quality of our life depends on the resilience of our Nervous System. All other goals we have on our vision boards are meaningless unless we have this FIRST.
If you’re ready to learn how to shift the focus from the Outer World to the Inner world so that everyone (including you) wins….
Don’t be surprised if you notice a few changes:
Feeling a state of Calm
Improved Digestion and Mental Alertness and focus
A sense of playful light-heartedness
Better Sleep
Improved Libido
And energy through your daily resistance,
And surprisingly….
A sense of worthiness that you DESERVE all of that.
Yup — it’s all connected.
If you’re disconnected from love,
you’re not alone — just wanted to remind you that you are.
I can’t wait to guide our Cyclebreakers who are already set up for the training.
But if you’ve been lurking in this community and want to see what all the hype is about….
If you want to learn how to properly FEEL that truth in your body,
follow the link, take the Red Pill, and unfreeze with us.
See what’s on the other side of “following the white Rabbit”.
Your Middle Eastern Morpheus,
Your Guide on the Side,