The Parenting Tip You Never Hear About
There are so many parenting books out there,
and kudos to the parents who are wanting to become better at creating a magical life experience for their children.
Who wouldn’t want to be THAT parent?
I sure do. I find myself fantasizing about what amazing cool awesomeness I’m going to BE and DO with Domzy.
And I have some amazing plans of what I want to teach him.
The skills I have found to be critical to thrive in this new reality we’re in, in teaching him I expect I’m going to learn so much more.
So if that is to materialize, then my parenting game best be strong.
Of all the things I can fail at in life, (and believe me, failure and I are good friends), failing at parenting is not something I want to add to that list.
But since my very first Father’s Day just passed
where I experienced it from “Dad” in FIRST person perspective,
I have been reading and noticing lots of posts about being a great dad.
Each post (including my own) was missing something:
One of the best ways to ensure I can be the best father to Domzy Is to ensure that
It hit me hard as I was watching my son carefully during Father’s Day, wondering how I can create even more magic in the simple moments with him.
What will make me a great dad won’t be so much what I DO for Dominic, but what experience I can CO-CREATE with Diana.
And if you’re a parent, you will have noticed that
children can FEEL the energy we are carrying.
They’re very attuned to our non-verbal cues.
They feel us.
They can especially feel the space between the relationship of their parents.
That means that If mom feels disconnected, not safe, anxious and insecure (for her own reasons/traumas) as well as from the impact of MY relationship with her,
Then we have our work cut out for us as parents.
Being in constant conflict with one another, without the ability to self-regulate and co-regulate with one another makes parenting a complete nightmare, causing a cycle of behavioral and often health problems with children.
And it’s nobody’s fault.
That’s the thing, there’s absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed about.
If you’re in a relationship, and you have children, and you want to break the cycle of Intergenerational trauma that naturally comes in common family dynamics that people are too afraid to talk about but really would be wise to, if they want to restore healing, mental and physical well-being, increasing connection with one another and decreasing the use of our sedatives and distractions.
If we want to upgrade our parenting skills, it’s wise to learn how to heal our attachment wounds, otherwise we will bleed all over our children and re-create the trauma we experienced.
If you’re stuck in one of these dynamics with the same patterns of conflict coming up, then open your schedule for our live workshop training
“Should I stay or go? 5 Transitions to break Repetitive Patterns and Create the Relationships You’ve Wanted — Without Years of Counselling or Therapy”.
If you’re stuck and wanting to end it, you better show up.
Unless you’re not safe — (please find safety immediately and make that a priority)
Otherwise, please take a pause and don’t walk away.
UNTIL you watch this.
Preferably with your partner.
If they’re not open, who cares?
This will be the perfect message you’ll need to be guided to your NEXT best move.
One step at a time.
If you’re single and concerned that you’ll bring all your past wounds into the next one,
Let me put you at ease:
The question is, will you know what to do when the triggers come up?
If you want to learn the transitions you’ll need to make to ensure you show up more secure in your next relationship, then you better show up and ask a ton of questions.
I’m going to give you my all in 2 hours. Join live and you can have me call you up for a “hot-seat” laser coaching session.
If you can’t make it, no worries.
A head’s up: This training is not for you if you’re wanting to avoid taking responsibility.
This is for those who want to become Cyclebreakers.
If you’re ready to finally heal,
Release the trauma,
Find freedom inside,
And deepen connection with your world around you,
Especially with your children,
turning the anxiety and disconnection
into creating the most magical experiences with them….
And BECOMING the super parent you know they deserve,
having them feel safe in your presence.
Click HERE to register.