Transforming The Victim Identity
You want a better body, and more energy.
You want healthier relationships,
You want to be a Rockstar parent.
You want to level up in leadership.
The only way is to break the cycle of victimhood.
This is challenging for most people.
Our wounded younger parts are still wanting to be
seen and heard by mommy and daddy.
Unfortunately, based on your parents unresolved wounding,
being seen by them and appreciated (unless it’s exactly the way THEY WANT) might not be available to you…
(Especially if you identify as the “black sheep” — I see you!)
Without healing those primary core wounds, we then re-play
those roles in our relationships and pass them onto our kids.
The only solution is to create our own sense of safety and security.
To go inside and take responsibility.
The biggest obstacle is how committed we are
in playing those old familiar roles.
It takes courage and a willingness to heal,
and when you do,
you change every single relationship in your life,
because you’ve shifted the relationship with yourself.
If you’re ready to change the story, join my free Facebook community where I have trainings every day helping you free yourself from
who you used to be in service of who you are wanting to become.