Your Mess Is Your Message
It wasn’t until my first year practicing Chiropractic that I realized
that I had a problem with anxiety.
The littlest things would set it off.
Not only did I not feel safe in my body,
but it spilled over into my relationships as well.
I would show up rushed with my patients in practice.
I would show up easily distracted in my personal relationships.
Being around me didn’t feel very calming and relaxing,
because I didn’t feel that within myself.
It’s why I have been slowly been pulled in the direction
of understanding stress and it’s impacts in the body.
The more I learned, the more I would integrate what I would learn,
and the more I felt compelled to teach what I learned.
My “mess” has definitely been my message.
It turns out Healing Anxiety is a lot more complicated than I thought.
It involves looking into our shadows to find out what we are getting
out of the hyper vigilance and drama we tend to find ourselves in.
For example, before every event I would find myself in some sort of
unwinnable situation….
only to find myself push through and “win”, thereby proving my own worth and value.
It wasn’t until I really looked when I realized that I was unconsciously creating these situations myself.
I would use the anxiety as a “push” to move forward.
How exhausting.
I used to think it was Self Sabotage.
Now I see it as self-protection.
When I was able to deal with those “self protective parts” directly,
I was able to shift the pattern,
release the anxiety,
and now when I see it in our students and participants,
it gives me great pleasure to help others shift their
anxious and avoidant patterns in their relationships.
If you feel like you’re life is a mess at times,
consider the possibility it’s in your path because you’re called to share your story of overcoming it.
Consider it part of your own hero’s journey.
If we don’t take that on, it forever haunts us and runs our lives.
But when you do make that your vision,
you’re able to break the cycle not just for yourself,
but for others too.
That’s what living your purpose is all about.